Thursday, January 19, 2012

gOiNg PriVaTe

...that is right. i am making my blog private to the world, i think it is time to keep things personal & only let my friends & family read it. lately i have been scammed on the internet with job searches & such & it just shows me more & more about how bad things are getting out there. i want to protect my family & our personal life as much as possible. if you read my blog & want to continue reading it, in the comments area submit your email & i will make sure you are on the list to keep reading. i thank you for understanding! it will be private by sunday.

love, the kleimans

FriEnDs FoReVeR

it all started in 2006...the friendship that has endured it all! this girl is like a sister to me in every way. one of the HUGE perks to moving to utah was this girl right here! morgan! i feel so blessed to have her in my life. to have someone that i can have girl talk with & not feel like ...."they have no idea what i am talking about!" she gets it, has always gotten it! living in utah has already been such an adventure for me. some days i want to scream & run back to california & other days i realize it really isnt THAT bad. but i miss my family terribly, every day. years of having that support from my parents...their unfailing love for me...sometimes i wish i could be 4 years old. i think i liked that age best. growing up is not always easy....morgan & i were talking about our college days. how terrible they were & yet, how much we learned from those experiences. it makes me grateful to see how much heavenly father has blessed me with over the years. i am happy to know that i am a child of god & what strength i find in saying that. i am grateful for jake in my life...i have realized that marriage is fun in SOOOO many ways but yet it is work too. my cooking has been in my eyes superior in every way but jake is learning "healthy" ways of eating. -not so sure on how he feels about all of the things i come up for breakfast yesterday i made whole wheat waffles...he had about 5 bites "WOW, that really filled me up!" -pretty sure he probably was starving until he ate again at lunch. i am learning to be conservative with money managing. my dad will probably laugh reading that....i have never been one that is great with handling money. in fact it took so much help from him to get me where i am financially that i am so grateful for that time of not having to deal with it back then because now i have a lifetime of doing it. yay for being an adult. -just like i said, being 4 was so much more fun. then there is my sweet spendaholic husband that likes toys...first it was a new truck before we got married, then it was a mountain bike & an apple TV after we got married, now it is an AR-15.......oh yes, & i forgot the XBOX that almost made me kill him. seriously, good thing we didnt have the AR-15 then. just kidding, just kidding. but we both have learning to do when it comes to money. i am excited to start my job next monday. i will be working for a company called clearlink, it is sales & marketing. great benefits to working for this company that i am really excited about. after a year of working there, jake & i will have free medical which is such a huge blessing. wish me luck!

((this is morgans sweet baby girl ava! i absolutely adore her))

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

CaUgHt Up!

wowza. i have been so sick lately! everything to the the a sore throat that seemed to want to go away but then suddenly would come back just to let me know that it was planning on sticking with me for the long hall. jake took extra good care of me when i was slumping around ((so sweet!)) now i am back in action...THANK GOODNESS & i have been working out trying to get my health back to where it was. luckily for pinterest i found something that will HoPeFuLLy be a help to my health. it is called apple cider vinegar. it reeeeeeeeeeeks of terribleness but all the benefits to it convinced me ((somehow)) that no matter how bad it tasted, it would be great for my health.

if you are thinking of getting apple cider vinegar you MUST dilute it with either water or some sort of juice. honey has been recommended to me but i have been putting it in my spinach smoothies in the morning & i cant taste it at all! win. win!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


i LOVE my vitamix so much...i used it a lot while we were living in california & now that i am in utah i have only used it 3 times. i am trying to get into a better habit of using it...even if it is freezing out! i usually always put something green ((veggies)) to make it even better for me. i love organic spinach & jake does as took only one sip of a green smoothie before he was convinced that it was yummy! today i made a smoothie that is my go-to one that i use.

almond milk
organic spinach

mmm. mmm. good!

Monday, January 2, 2012


so many NEW things happening. new state, new ward (church), new year...all good things of course. i had the most amazing time at church yesterday. being the new couple is always a fun & exciting thing but part of me was nervous for see, there have been so many changes in my life lately that i am tending to feel a lil overwhelmed. i miss my family greatly...i sometimes feel like i am on the verge of tears at any moment. yesterday at church though, was a big blessing to me! the relief society lesson was exactly what i needed to hear. it never ceases to amaze me how in tune our heavenly father is with us. i am grateful for the moments that i can feel his love for know that he is watching over me, over my family, & over my friends.

the lesson was on this past general womens broadcast for our church that happened in october. the talk was given by president uchtdorf & it had a great deal to do with self worth & the patience that we need to have with ourselves, it is titled "Forget Me Not". i find myself trying to do so many things...& along with all of those many things that i am trying to do, i also need to adapt to my new lifestyle. i cant be perfect at everything but i can utilize the gifts that i was blessed with.

FoRgEt Me NoT tOp 5
1. forget not to be patient with yourself
2. forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice
3. forget not to be happy NOW!
4. forget not the "why" of the gospel
5. forget not that the Lord loves you

it is a perfect talk to read here is the link to it if you are interested in reading it : FORGET ME NOT

i hope you all are enjoying day 2 of your new year! tonight i made a yummy dinner of stuffed bell peppers & then we are off to having a lovely family home evening with my honey & bestie & her man...& sweet ava (their baby girl too)